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jeudi 6 août 2009

The Irydion

As we leave the Ganji, set up to build or to destroy we are
Kissed by the wind and put
Feet up
We amuse kings and pages
Lovely music
I am the Antertwan
I kiss here the Irydion answering
At the bay
A new chocolate
order from God
On the side of the hill
I, perfect as be...
Made to believe
that the Irydion will give them internal life
To be next to thee
And to the Irydion
God abides the order
coming in a lightning
To the next to be
I wish the ascension
of the Ace of all the beings
I grant thee
The Irydion and banana fried
Like potato
and eaten just as you please
From the place of all beings
In the city,
On the other side of the hill I heal
Txel Zebuth
Begging for forgiveance
Txel, horn fails
And on the side of the island
The passenger of
my boat

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Montreal, QC, Canada
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